Graduate Programs

Graduate Programs

欢迎来到查利音乐学院的研究生课程. We are dedicated to high-quality teaching, 我们的小班授课为你成长为一名认真的表演者提供了极好的机会, teacher, and scholar.

We offer the following graduate degrees and tracks:

  • Master of Music
    • Conducting (Choral, Instrumental)
    • Music Education
    • Performance (Bassoon, Clarinet, Euphonium, Flute, Horn, Oboe, Percussion, Piano, Collaborative Piano, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, and Voice)
  • Doctor of Musical Arts
    • Conducting (Choral, Instrumental)
    • 表演(单簧管、打击乐、钢琴、协奏曲钢琴、萨克斯、小号、人声)

你已经达到了想要深入了解你唱过和指挥过的合唱作品的地步. 我们的合唱指挥研究生学位为我们的六个合唱团提供了全面的学术背景和实践指挥技术的机会. 我们的学生也有机会向来访的艺术家学习,最近的一位是戴尔·沃兰德.

Audition requirements

  1. Notify Dr. Dwight Jilek of your intention to apply.
  2. 提交一份最近的视频记录,包括排练和表演(10 - 15分钟). A URL link is acceptable.
  3. Complete your online application with the Graduate School.
    1. 2月1日前完成的申请将优先考虑.
  4. 在合唱团审核完你的申请后,你会被博士联系. Dwight Jilek.
  5. 如果你被邀请到学校参加试镜/面试,它将在这一点上安排. Plan to be on campus for a full day.
  6. Your audition will be with the NDSU Concert Choir.
    1. Warmup the choir
    2. 指挥音乐会合唱团现有曲目中的一首
    3. Rehearse a piece of your choosing
    4. Total time with the choir – 20 minutes
  7. The interview will be with choral faculty – Drs. Jilek, Moe and Weber.
  8. 面试当天的其他活动包括:
    1. Meeting with other graduate students
    2. Meeting with the Challey School of Music administration
    3. A one-hour history/theory entrance exam
    4. Demonstrating functional piano skills

我们的器乐指挥学位为您领导合奏的各个方面做好准备. In addition to rigorous academic classes, our instrumental ensembles include Jazz bands, concert bands, a marching band and wind ensemble, providing you with ample time on the podium. 我们的导师坚持经验是最好的老师的理念, 我们的研究生助理也完全分担了我们团队的日常工作.

You're a working professional. NDSU查利音乐学院是一个和你们一样热衷于音乐教育的机构. When you're ready to update and augment your skills, 我们的课程通过在线和暑期课程的结合来适应您的工作日程. 该课程旨在提高您在课堂上的效率,并促进您作为音乐家的个人成长. This combination of commitment, 质量和灵活性使新大的音乐研究生课程成为该地区最受欢迎的课程.

这个学位是设计在三个夏天或在夏季和学年的组合完成. 学生必须注册至少六个学分,每日历年,直到所有学位要求完成. Classes are offered both online and on campus. 课程作业可以集中在初级,合唱/声乐或器乐教育. No thesis is required -- rather, students complete a four-credit practicum, planned jointly by the student and his/her advisor. 综合笔试和口试在课程结束前后通过.

When you're ready to take your playing to the next level, 我们的教师致力于你的发展,作为一个演奏者和你的乐器的教师.

Learn about NDSU's Piano Programs in this video!

很少有乐器能像钢琴那样提供个性化的表达媒介, 作为一名钢琴家,你的成功取决于个性化的指导. Our piano faculty are at the top of their field as performers and teachers; and take into account each student's needs, aptitudes, background and goals to create a unique plan for success. Our curriculum includes a balance of applied lessons, academic courses and the study of pedagogy, 除了作为表演者获得实践经验的机会, teacher, and accompanist

对于那些希望前往法戈,北达科他州现场试镜:请联系 Dr. Tyler Wottrich to discuss potential dates for your audition. For those submitting a video audition: please contact Dr. Tyler Wottrich 讨论提交您的试镜视频,以及安排Zoom或类似平台的面试.

Pianists in the M.M. and D.M.A. programs will also be invited to perform in the NDSU Chamber Music Festival upon recommendation from the faculty.

Learn about NDSU's Piano Programs in this video!

The NDSU Collaborative Piano Performance M.M. and D.M.A. 课程是为希望专门与歌手和器乐演奏家合作的钢琴家设计的. The M.M. 节目为器乐和声乐合作提供指导,而D.M.A提供了专注于器乐或声乐学习的灵活性,或两者的结合.  器乐重点为木管乐器提供专业曲目, brass, and/or strings, 而声乐专业则涉及艺术歌曲和歌剧的声乐训练,包括语言和措辞的具体训练. 除了在羽管键琴等领域的全面基础之外, figured bass realization, orchestral reductions, and sight and score reading, 协作钢琴表演学位包括乐虎集团钢琴研究的一个组成部分.

Collaborative pianists in NDSU's M.M. and D.M.A. 节目将定期与专业声乐家和器乐家合作演出, and will be invited to perform in the NDSU Chamber Music Festival upon recommendation from the faculty.

你的声音和技巧还在成长和变化. 为了建立一个成功的表演和教学事业,你需要个性化和仔细的指导. 我们的教师拥有丰富的表演和声乐教学经验. 我们共同合作制定教育和表演计划,为您提供终身声乐专业知识的基础. 我们的项目足够小,可以为每个学生提供丰富的表演机会. We produce one fully staged opera each year, 除了全年的歌剧和音乐会. 学生们也可以在社区中找到表演的机会, 包括法戈-摩尔黑德歌剧院的专业经验.